Design Walkthrough

In a joint exercise for SYDE 348 and MTE 482, students in the User-Centered Design class were invited to bring in their Capstone design projects and engage in design walkthroughs, with other members of the class standing in as prospective users of the system.

Design Walkthroughs are a form of user research where a group of users are interviewed to provide feedback on a prototype design. For this exercise, we showed our users the prototype of the interface on the LCD and explained the scenarios under which they would be expected to use the system.

Initial UI Concept

Feedback from the design walkthrough indicated to us that the the purpose of the design was unclear to a user who was not already familiar with the system, and that it was difficult to interpret the data on the graph. Users did identify that distinguishing between a gradual increase in risk and a sudden increase in risk would be valuable in deciding whether or not they needed to brake.

During the design walkthrough, users also indicated that they would expect a form of audible feedback in situations presenting high risk, so we are examining methods to introduce this feature into our final design.